I am a huge Munchkin fan which is made by Steve Jackson Games. However, they have other games too! One of these such games is a quick playing, fast action dice game called Zombie Dice.
Objective: The goal is to be the first person to collect 13 or more Brains and win (if you have the highest total.)
Gameplay: So, you have thirteen dice which are colored green, yellow and red. Each dice has three pictures: Brains, Foot prints or Shotgun Blasts. Depending on the color depends on the number of pictures. So, for example the Red Dice have more shotgun blasts and the Green Dice have more Brains. On your turn, you take three die out of the cup and roll them. If you get brains, you move them to the side. At anytime you can stop, count your brains and pass the cup. So let's say on your first roll you roll one red dice and two green dice. You roll one brain, one footprint (known as runners) and one shotgun blast. You would move the shotgun and brain to the side. You cannot re-roll shotgun blasts. So, you would pick up the runners and add two more dice to your hand and roll again. This time you get two brains and a shotgun blast. So, you put all three dice to the side. Presently you have 3 brains and 2 shotgun blasts. If you get three shotgun blasts on any one turn your brains you have collected during that turn are voided because you have died. So, do you roll again in hopes you get more brains? Or do you stay, collect your three brains and not take the chance of getting another shotgun and forfeiting your loot!
Players tend to egg others on to see if they will give in to pressure and gamble. Peer pressure is not immune when playing Zombie dice. The action really heats up when someone reaches 13 brains and ends their turn. This gives everyone one last turn to beat the persons high score. If they tie and stop, they go into a roll off. However, people tend to push the envelope with nothing to lose.
Zombie Dice is a great game. I rate it 4 out of 5 Stars for the sheer enjoyment and quality family time it brings.
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